The values of the Cook Islands United Party (CIUP) are focused on supporting all people in the Cook Islands. They are as follows:


TU TAUTURU | Support and help

Helping the elderly, parents, youth, children and people with disabilities.


TU AKONO | Culture and Environment

Protecting our environment, culture and traditions.


TU TAVINI | Service to our Communities

Serving the community by addressing needed village projects.


TU AKAKOROMAKI | Vigilance and Understanding

Be vigilant about keeping the Cook Islands free of COVID-19 and its variants.

Cook Islands United Party Office

We want to answer your questions & concerns and we also want to make it easier for you to get in touch with us. Visit our HQ, Email us, message our Facebook page or simply fill in the contact form further below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We have setup our HQ at T&M Ltd.

Raemaru Park Rd
Arorangi, Rarotonga
Cook Islands


To Tatau Arataki

To Tatou Akakoro'anga

To Tatou au Tavini

To Tatou Tu Tangata

Ta Tatou Parani Angaanga

To Tatou Kaveinga Akateretere

To Tatou Imene